otarafa: Kenan Pars-Vefat butarafa: Shit Disco - OK
picasso's chateau

cevap ver  qwerty   11/03/08

picasso open public sato fetis

France—The public
will soon be able to
catch a glimpse for
the first time of
Pablo Picasso's
final home, 35 years
after the artist's
death, the Daily
Telegraph reports.
Picasso, who died at
91 years old, was
buried on the
grounds of the
14th-century chateau
he bought in 1958.
Catherine Hutin owns
the estate, and she
is opening the
chateau for six
months so the public
can see how Picasso
lived. The artist's
studio is exactly as
Picasso left it, and
the bedroom still
contains his
furniture, a
mandolin that
appears in several
of his works, and a
mural that he
painted over the
bathtub. The
chateau's opening
will coincide with
the exhibition
"Picasso-Cézanne, le
Soleil en Face,"
which will run at
the Musee Granet in
Aix-en-Provence from
May to September
next year.

Keywords:picasso open public sato fetis
Kategori: tekno

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