otarafa: phubbing butarafa: Roxy Music - Take a chance with me
foxygen - san francisco

cevap ver  alper   26/11/13

syd barrett vari havalar - saykodelik geçişler

Keywords:foxygen sydbarrett
Kategori: ♬ müzik ♬
cevap ver  alper   26/11/13
What do you do Sam?
I play music, dude.

Is it fun?
It’s fun but my mind is decaying.

How did it all start?
Plinkin’ on my Unkle Peyton’s old Casio. Cobwebbed demos with Rado in 1998.

Nice. What’s the one thing you couldn’t do your job without?
Rado, and hella drugs…

What’s the maddest thing that’s ever happened at a gig?
Me getting mad at a guy for screaming/choking me.

What other musicians do you love?

What song can’t you help dancing to?
Maisie by Syd Barrett.

Any musical guilty pleasures?
Fuck you.

cevap ver  alper   26/11/13

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otarafa: phubbing butarafa: Roxy Music - Take a chance with me

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