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Tom Waits' Real Gone Critic's Quotes
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 10 /PRNewswire/ -- Here's how critics from around the
globe have weighed in on Real Gone: US: "Like an altar built of barbed wire, scrap metal and broken glass, 'Real Gone' hammers ungraceful materials into something like beauty." --New York Times, 9/27/04 "Real Gone ... raw, rustic, primal and immediate, it's a leap in the mud ... " --Los Angeles Times, 9/26/04 " ... A voice as loud and leathery as any drum has taken its rightful place in the rhythm orchestra ... he's a genre unto himself ... " --The Nation, 11/8/04 "Riveting ... " --Entertainment Weekly, 10/8/04 "Tom Waits bellows through Real Gone like he's been knocking back pure lava, rasping out sinister names and details ... The percussion behind a lot of these songs is Waits' own coughs, barks and gurgles, a sort of brain- eating zombie-alien-beatbox effect that underscores the lyrics' savage visions." --Rolling Stone, 10/28/04 "The album is comfortably steeped in Waits' appreciation for the sublime possibilities in the atonal and erratic ... as close as he's yet come to recapturing the muddy, mechanical majesty of his magnum opus Bone Machine." --Harp, Sept./Oct. 2004 "At 54, Waits sounds like a man who could still go toe-to-hoof with Satan himself, growling and snarling through his ragged, hell-spawned tropicalia. This is dark stuff, a murky underworld worth getting lost in." --Details, Oct. 2004 " ... In terms of sheer sonic turbulence, there's nothing else quite like it in the Waits discography..." --Philadelphia Inquirer, 10/5/04 " ... Waits continues to thrive by making a series of left turns that are unpredictable and always rewarding. With the masterful 'Real Gone,' he delivers one of the most captivating albums of the year." --San Diego Union Tribune, 10/7/04 "Real Gone ... is an amalgam of earthy funk, beatnik howl, and backwoods river bottom blues. Waits' music seems to seep from the subconscious, while his lyrics pinpoint humanity often cloaked in shadow." --Thrasher, Nov. 2004 UK "... It deserves -- no, needs -- to be heard ... " --Mojo "A man who marries experimentation with consistency ... genius ... Play it loud and wonder" --Time Out "Remarkable ... eccentric and obtuse as ever ... Waits is entirely out on his own." --The Guardian "Brilliant and soulful ... an inventive and triumphant classic." --Independent, 5/5 stars "Sensational ... compelling ... an extraordinary thing." --Daily Telegraph, Album of the Week "Irresistible ... haunted beauty ... a dark treat." --London Times, Album of the Week "Extraordinary ... a treasure." --Observer Music Monthly Germany "If Alice was the most beautiful record since Closing Time, Real Gone is the most simple, most essential album since Swordfishtrombones." --Spex Italy "21 years after Swordfishtrombones comes a phenomenal and surprising album!" --Rumore Holland "Real Gone contains more wildness, sincere beauty and humanity than you can ever capture in a dream." --OOR Holland |
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